Saturday, July 23, 2011

Met some Swiss people.

A few weekends ago I took up the invitation of a friend of a friend and went to the beach with her and some of her coworkers and their friends, who turned out to be a bunch of German-speaking people, mostly Swiss.

The Swiss were a tad stand-offish, so after I met the 3rd Swiss person (some bearded guy), I was like, "Doesn't your country have that weird minaret law? Did that get passed, or what the heck is up with that, anyways?".

He was immediately sheepish, and said that his country banned minarets, but there were only like 4 of them in the country, and he immediately started saying that just like here, Switzerland has its Tea Party, etc. -

and then I interrupted him and was like, "Yes, but the Tea Party here doesn't take over nationally make laws discriminating against religious minorities. Don't you guys have a Constitution that protects against that?".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet that got the conversation rolling....