Thursday, May 5, 2011

Weird Vegan Meal with my One (British) Friend.

So, over spring break, I ended up trying out this new vegan restaurant with my one (British) (vegan) friend.

I was late, and when I got there, he immediately told me how much he loved the place, which was clean and brightly lit and had inspirational quotes written all over the walls.

When we went up to the counter to order, he asked the (black) counter(woman) if it was a chain, since he had looked online and noticed there was a store that recently opened in London.

"No," she was like, "But we're all related, we're open to promote veganism and support the family," and she gestured to this small rack of literature that we took up, that had a picture of a gently-smiling dyed-blonde hair Vietnamese woman on it.

It was only halfway through the meal that we noticed that the closed circuit channel was playing something called "SUPREME MASTER TV", and showing pictures of the gently-smiling dyed-blond hair Vietnamese woman strolling through fields with her adopted pets, interspersed with vegan cooking shows.

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