Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 statements of my mom.

#1 - She would sign the recall petition for Michigan's governor. She says she doesn't mind taxing union members' pensions, but to depose elected officials is too much.

One of her Republican-sympathizing library coworkers (who is white and very poor and without benefits) said she didn't mind so much, so my mom was like, "Let me personalize that for you - the library has a head appointed by the county, so the governor could step in and appoint someone who fires all of us or a new head who would fire all of us and could rehire whoever they want, or go back and change the terms of our jobs, and we'd have no control, since we could no longer elect officials. That's effed."

#2 - She thought Obama looked tired and had a lot on his mind during that one Press dinner where he made all the jokes (which she thought as always were funny; she likes his sense of humor, esp. about how during the Easter Egg Roll he gave out candy to kids and Michelle snatched it back from them).

"I think it's from touring all that tornado devastation in the South," she was like.

Later she revised her comments to say that it must have been because his mind was on the covert ops going on in Pakistan, and that she thought that he must have had that in mind when he was making fun of Trump, too.

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