Saturday, May 7, 2011

One more story about veganism.

Last week I ran into my one (half-British) (half-Sudanese) (Muslim) friend at the gym when I went to do a post-workout stretch, and he was in the most bizarre stretching pose I've ever seen, like he was kneeling, but then had laid back all the way and puffed his chest up.

"What the fuck is that, yoga?", I said as I came up, and when he grimaced, I was like, "Oh, I get it, you're Hindu now, you're trying out the religion of Britain's other brown people."

Later, when he paused doing his stretches, he told me that he once got in a dangerous situation in the Sudan because someone found out that he was vegan and then they said that he was Hindu, because he would talk all the time of how people should be spiritual and not so dogmatic, religiously.

"Hinduism is like a heresy there, you know," he said.

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