Friday, April 8, 2011

==tidbits for the weekend==

1) I had a dream last night about my friend's papillon, only it didn't have big ears and looked more like a guinea pig then anything. We were on a lawn and I called it over to me, and it stopped to burrow into a patch of soil, and came up with a huge earthworm that it then proceeded to eat. I looked closely at it, and there were large black beetles clinging to the fur on the underside of its face.

2) Last night I was talking with my one Mormon colleague who studies Roman suicide about how he got that interest... He can't remember, though he did remember that during the Heaven's Gate mass suicide newsblast, he was thinking, "Wow, those people are really brave and dedicated..."

3) The other night I texted my one French colleague who lives near me to stop through and check email (which he said I could do if I ever needed to), since I wasn't sure if I had an appointment the next day... By the time he texted me back, I had already checked it somewhere else. Anyhow, the next day I ran into him on campus, and he was concerned about me losing my apartment - and then I realized that I had texted him something like -

can i stop by to check my email? not sure if i have an appt. 2mrw

and he misread "appt." for "apartment", not "appointment".

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

1) You have very strange dreams.

2) I was lost in admiration for the Heaven's Gate people, too, at the time.