Thursday, April 14, 2011

Need to stop snacking.

When I've been home lately, I've been snacking a lot.

The other day, I had 2 pots full of homemade popcorn popped in a pot with olive oil.

The next day, I had 2 bowls of (light) Rocky Road ice cream along with some coffee.

Boy, you should have seen my shit the next day. Dark moist brown and blorting out in small turds that really really stank with a rich, full smell. The worst part was that one didn't flush, and it was waiting for me when I got home, again!


Anonymous said...

Mr. Hankey was welcoming you home!

JUSIPER said...

Does it matter what kind of oil you fry your popcorn in? Why do you use olive oil? Does it make the popcorn taste different?

Anonymous said...

It makes a big difference. Olive oil has a very strong taste and makes the popcorn a little greasy. Canola oil works better.

el blogador said...

I like the taste of the popcorn that's been popped in olive oil, personally.