Thursday, March 24, 2011

Plywood Sign Bar (II of II): St. Paddy's Day.

On St. Paddy's Day I went in to the plywood sign bar for a drink and some free corned beef.

I don't have the weakest stomach when it comes to food, but for some reason my stomach was turning... The place was full of Mexicans getting drunk, and street people, and smelled like BO, and then in the back there was a card table set up with a crock pot full of corned beef and cabbage and potatos and carrots sitting, and next to it was a stack of paper trays and plastic silverware, and an unopened loaf of off-the-shelf rye bread.

I had 2 paper tray-fulls of corned beef and then left; I couldn't stand it any more, and just being in there made me nervous.

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