Sunday, December 12, 2010

Thoughts on my 3rd cold in 7 weeks.

I think it all goes back to that Thursday night out at the bar where they had tables for drinking games and were selling $5 forties. That must have carried through Fri. and Sat. and weakened my immune system, so I woke up Sunday with a cold.

Friends tell me I should take care of myself more and stay in if I feel sick or not go so out so much at all, but really, what's the point of that? To be stuck inside my apartment all healthy? Fuck that.


JUSIPER said...

I have a different theory.

Anonymous said...

the point is to stay home when you feel sick an go out when you feel well.

el blogador said...

But what about when you're tired at 9pm, but you know having an espresso will allow you to get the energy to go out? 4/5 times it works, 1/5 times it's the straw that breaks the camel's back and you get sick.

JUSIPER said...

So wait, you got mono from a camel?