Sunday, December 26, 2010

Best part of the election debate.

On the bus there I was next to a middle-aged (light-skinned) (black) woman who is active in community organizing on education issues... I had met her a few times before, she's really cool and active in her kid's school, and is going back to school for a teaching degree, but we had never really talked.

Anyhow, she mentioned Tyler Perry on Oprah, and then somehow she said that he had said he wasn't making any more Madea movies.

"Oh no," I was like, "Why?", and she then started explaining about how Madea was based on his mother and the character had gone on long enough.

"And I was like, just his mother?, hell, I know a lot of black women like that, like my mother, and my aunts, and my friends' mothers," she was like. "I know my mother had a gun under her bed. I remember one time my brother was in a fight outside, and she was looking outside to make sure it was a clean fight, and as soon as it started getting dirty, she pulled that rifle out and aimed it at his knees and told him to stop otherwise she'd shoot and she has a good aim. I was like, 'Mama, you can't do that!', and she was like, 'The hell I can't.' A lot of black women are tough like that."

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