Friday, September 17, 2010

Saying picked up by my Muslim friend.

You know how some people say "WTF" in casual conversation, picking up the email acroynym for "what the f*ck?".

Well, my one half-British half-African (Muslim) friend does the same thing for "OMG!", though the 1st time I ever heard him do that, I was like, "Shouldn't you be saying, 'OMA!'?".

Anyhow, when I saw him last week, he started saying OMG, then self-corrected to OMA, and started he thanking me for suggesting that phrase to him, and he said that he's been using it all the time, whether in email or IMing or conversation.

"It really makes people stop and pause and think about how biased their language is," he was like.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

It would... except that it never occurs to people that Allah is "God." Most people think of him as a *particular* God that isn't the real God.