Thursday, September 23, 2010

...people I know are not going union...

I had texted my one (white) friend from Mississippi about getting a copy of a syllabus for this one course that trains you how to teach in a specific class, and when he said he'd get me an old one (he took the class; I haven't) but asked me why, he never responded back when I said the union wanted one in order to responsibly make the case that the class was job training that should be compensated.

I had also met with the one grad student from Romance Languages, and he really supported the union but said he couldn't join because he's afraid of what his advisor and committee members would think, but he said he'd get me a copy of this email where people in his dept. were informed that their language teaching was increased from 3 to 4 sections per week (for the same pay), so we could use it (without his name on it, of course) to make the case that salary should be linked to hours by contract.

Only, he ultimately decided not to, and emailed me and said he couldn't afford to be associated with the union in any way.

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