Tuesday, September 21, 2010

A (kind of disturbing) fat person story from my father.

One of the people in the community college class he teaches is this 400lb. late 30s/early 40s (black) guy who always sits in the class, and one day my dad comes in and sits down at the chair behind his desk, and for some reason it's a lot shorter than usual, and he looks and it's a chair like a student should have, and when he looks up, the big (black) guy has his rolly-chair since it's wider and lets him sit more comfortably.

So, my dad walks up to him in the back, and is like, "Hey, [that guy's name], there's a couple of things wrong with this picture, like, for starters, what about moi?"

And, at that, the guy was like, "Oh, sorry, so sorry!", and hopped up and gave the chair back to my dad.

...somehow, I kind of wondered about the racially-charged nature of that situation when he told it to me, but I didn't ask him about it... it would have been a different story if it was a (white) fat person...

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