Saturday, September 25, 2010

News of the Catalan.

1) He doesn't know when the term starts, and told that one Slavic prof who we both know from the student bar to call him the night before classes start.

"This is my extended summer," he was like, "And I prepare all my classes the night before."

2) Way back when he had a summer job in Catalonia where he would man a fire-watch tower and report in to emergency services if he saw any fires.

He said once one was like 5km from the base of his tower, but there was strong wind and because of his perspective he couldn't see the smoke since it was being dispersed so quickly, but someone from 30km away was able to see it.

He also said that in between looking in the binoculars for forest fires (which he did every 5-7 minutes), he was studying a book "Teach Yourself Basque!".

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