Tuesday, August 3, 2010

African-Americans in Milwaukee.

I just read a stat (not sure if it's true) that African-Americans in Milwaukee are 37% of the population.

I never have a good conversational vibe with the (black) counterwomen at stores here - exactly the opposite of in Chicago.

The only really rewarding interaction I can think of is the other day when I was biking, cars were stopped at a light, and so I went up in the bikelane to the front to make myself visible to cars for when the light changed and we all went straight ahead, just as you're supposed to, and one of the cars I passed was this old beaten-up truck with a back full of junk, and later when the light did change, it was the only vehicle to give me a wide berth, and I look over as it passes and it's two late 30s/early 40s black guys, and the one in the passenger seat gives me a nod and a thumbs-up.

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