Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Forgot -

When I was biking to this jazz place one night to hear the house band, I was stopped on my bike at the railroad tracks while this huge train passed bye, and this (white) guy on a Harley in a white sportscoat pulls up with his girlfriend behind him, and asks me if the train is going long.

"Like five minutes," I said, and then he said that it would probably be going on another five, then.

After a pause, I was like, "As soon as it's done, want to drag race? I know I can beat you!", and the guy found that really funny.

Later, when I pulled up in front of the jazz bar (which was like four or five blocks down), I heard someone yelling "Hey!", and I look, and it's that dude and his girlfriend, who had parked and were walking into a cigar bar across the street, and he called me over and said he'd buy me a beer.

I talked with them for a while; they had been married for 10 years, and he had been running a jujitsu business for 25, and he taught the classes ,while she kept the books and did the admin.

He also told me about this trip to Brazil once, and a Brazilian friend took him to a remote village, and this Brazilian guy "who was Brazilian but had a long white beard like out of a kung-fu movie" taught him capoiera.

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