Saturday, February 6, 2010

A New (Maybe?) Neighborhood Story.

So, after looking at an apartment this past weekend in the neighborhood I'm hopefully moving to, I stopped by this corner diner to have a bowl of soup and a cup of coffee.

When I was done and had turned in my tray, I was going to go out the door, but there was this middle-aged (black) woman standing there in the doorway holding it open, saying bye to another (black) woman going out the outer door (it was like a vestibule thing), and so when the one saw me coming up beside her to go out the door she was blocking, she was like, ""Scuse me, hon, I'll get out of your way" and I was like, "Oh no, here, let me get this for you," and I held the door open, while she looked back to her aged (black) mother, who was coming up with a walker, and I said to her mom, "And if you're coming out too, I'll gladly hold the door open for you as well."

"Thank you," the mother was like, "You are a gentleman."

"Actually," I was like, "I'm really not, but I do my best to try to be one."

At that, she smiled and was like, "Well, all I can say is: baby, keep at it!", and with that she toddled slowly through the door with her walker, laughing.

(Outside, too, she looked back at me and nodded and told me to have a good day.)

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