Wednesday, December 9, 2009

My dog-naming prowess.

Got this e-mail from a high school friend last week (background: when I was over at her and her husband's house I kept calling their dog Bentley "Bender", and her husband liked the name so much that they renamed the dog, which I think was also adopted and arrived pre-named; also, her husband is a high school teacher):

So, question for you, since you named our last dog. We adopted another dog. His name is Cody, which [my husband] doesn't like b/c he has a lot of students named Cody. So, we need another name. The only problem is, he already knows his name and responds well to it, so the new name has to sound close to the old one.

We haven't been able to reach an agreement, so [my husband] decided that we need to consult the guy who named our first dog :)

I've attached some pictures of Cody and Bender, in case you need to see him to work your magic. Send us a few options :)

Here is one of the pictures of Cody and Bender that she attached:

As it turns out, I suggested "Odie", like in the Garfield comic strips, and she and her husband loved it, and this is her reply:

read below; we'll be sure to call when we're having children too. :)

[forwarded message from her husband:]

[My last name] wins again!

I wonder if they will consult me when they have kids - I bet so, I'm thinking now.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

Somehow I don't think that style of name will work for children.