Friday, April 3, 2009

Lost my hat.

I took the wrong bus yesterday and ended up having to get off like 3 blocks north of my house in light rain, and since I needed to call my parents, I put my little black Irish hat in my pocket, and when I got to my house and went to hang up my jacket, it was gone - it seems it had fallen out of my pocket somewhere between the bus stop and my house.

I retraced most of my steps, only to realize that I shouldn't be so attached to material possessions, but right before going in my door I went to the dollar store downstairs to see if it had dropped right outside the door and anyone had turned it in. The (Palestinian) owner was busy, so I looked to see if he had any cheap replacement hats, and a younger (black) woman was standing there and stepped aside and was like "Excuse me" nicely when she saw I was looking at the rack of hats behind her, and I was like, "Thank you so much, I just lost my favorite black hat."

"That is too bad!", she was like, so I was like, "Eh, what can you do."

When I went up to the counter then to ask about my hat, he said no one had turned it in, and then was like, "That is too bad," to which I responded, "Actually, people are losing their homes right now, people are losing their jobs right now, and I lost an $8 hat from Marshall's, so I'm actually doing pretty well," and from down the counter the younger (black) woman nicely butted in and was like, "True!", and then added, "But I'm sure you'll find another nice hat."

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