Sunday, March 8, 2009

Toilet problems.

The little rubber stopper thing that lifts up when you push the toilet handle and lets water flow into the bowl, and then plunks down again when enough water has gone into the bowl, has become disconnected from the metal lever thing in my toilet.

So, now when I need to go to flush the toilet, I have to let all my shit just sit there in the bowl getting nastier by the second, while I open up the top, set it on the sink, and plunge my hand in up to my elbow and manually take the little rubber stopper thing off for like 4-5 seconds.

I would call my landlord, but I called them about something in the laundry room last week -- I came in and one of the driers that I had started hadn't dried anything; I thought maybe a fuse broke or something, but it turns out that it must have stopped shortly after I left and just ate my token, putting in a new token worked -- and I don't want to seem too needy.

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