Thursday, November 27, 2008

Self discipline.

Today I took the commuter rail out to a college town to visit a good friend there who graduated from the masters program at my school this past year. Since she's an enthusiastic and inveterate jogger -- "Just a twenty minute jog!", she's always like, and it ends up being at least 45, and she's still going even though I'm dying and everything -- we did end going for a jog, though it ended up only being 20 minutes this time truly, since it was cold out and it was early evening and it was dark already.

We jogged down the main street of her town, and it was very difficult for me to jog past all these Indian groceries and hispanic supermarkets and know that I wouldn't have time on this visit to go in and look for coffee cans, and probably would never get back there to check, but I tried to push that thought out of my mind, by thinking that I shouldn't be so attached to material possessions.

But, I ended up staying longer and going out for dinner, and I did stop by those stores.

There were no new coffee cans for my collection, saddly.

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