Friday, June 13, 2008

Obama memories / Obama opinions.

So, I forgot this story from when I was down in Indiana before their primary campaigning for Obama --

At the one field office, several local high school kids who were black came in to make signs that would be used for visibility on election day, and somehow they all started talking about the Reverend Wright thing, and this one girl was like, "My family used to go to his church, but we stopped since gas got so high, and now we stopped since he crazy."

Also, yesterday my dad and I were at this cute little cinderblock hamburger place near the train station where the waitress-cook uses a drywall spatula for the burgers, when my dad said he's been for Obama for months. He says he likes how level-headed he is and how he's not taken any political bait put out by McCain and Clinton, and how you can tell he's surrounded himself by good advisors.

My dad also was like, "And I'm glad didn't give her husband a bullet three or four months ago, because if she had, she might be the nominee right now," and when I gave him a confused look, he just shook his head and was like, "I wouldn't put it past them, I don't trust either of them worth a darn."

He then went on to say how Hillary's a bitch, and he's thought so ever since she went way beyond her role as presidential spouse to try to ramrod this healthcare plan through congress, and how he thought it was weird that as soon as they could, they left Arkansas to live in one of the richest zipcodes in the country (=Westchester County in NY), though she then went on to claim she represented the working class, and he added how he felt manipulated in the democratic primary in Michigan to show up and only have her name on the ballot, and to have her go and try and claim all the delegates from Michigan since she "won" it.

He then went on even more, and said that both he and my mom hated how Hillary used her being a woman to be emotional and plead special treatment during the campaign, and how that came off as really unprofessional -- he called it "that old woman-'Woe is Me' bit", just like my mom calls it -- and he also said that he's glad she's not the nominee, since that meant they would have to really look at her and Bill's finances and how his presidential library got funded, and who knows what that would turn up.

My dad also said he'd wear an Obama button if he had one, and that he hasn't worn a presidential candidate button since Kennedy.

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