Friday, June 6, 2008

3 Detroit stories (I of III): Boston-Edison District.

This guy I know who's originally from Detroit was telling me about this crazy old lady who has this mansion in the really nice Boston-Edison District of Detroit, and she lets young artists stay there rent-free and feeds them as long as they maintain studios and keep working - in other words, she acts like a kind of patron to them.

Anyways, he said once he was over at this mansion to see this installation "The Struggle of a Young Black Woman", and he and some people entered this room to see heaps of old chainlink fences and metal strewed with all this stuff, and a few people started wrinkling their noses and being like, "What's that smell?", and all of a sudden he threw his hand to his chest and cried out, "Oh my lord, it's dried chitlins!", and suddenly everyone gasped because they realized that the entire room was draped with them.

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