Thursday, May 1, 2008


I was in line at the dollar store yesterday that I live above to get some foam shoe inserts, and while I was in line at the counter, next to the knock-off perfumes they had these really cheap packs of incense to sell, marked "PATCHOULI" and "INDIANFRUIT" and "PUSSY".

I pointed the last one out to this kind of on-the-edge 40-ish black guy ahead of me, and he was like, "Maybe they meant it smells like cat."

"Or," I was like, "like a willow, but it's a bad translation?"

The guy shrugged at that and was like, "But, if they have the c-word on there, you know they have a problem somewhere there."

At that moment, though, the cashier became available, and the black guy tried for like five mintues to convince him to crack open a pack of cigarettes and sell him one.

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