Monday, April 28, 2008

2 Dreams.

Like two nights ago I dreamt I was in my bathroom looking in the mirror, and there was this giant boil underneath my right sideburn, and it was so big - actually, not that big, just the size of a large marble - that it strained the skin underneath and hurt my cheek.

Like three nights ago I dreamt I was wading in a wide, long river with my one friend's mom who's new age-y and smokes a lot and wears muu-muus, and we would wade here and there, and float on our backs, and at a point or two we would wade underneath a highway bridge going across the river, but at some point we were floating and wading and she was saying how no one acts like she's a person anymore, she's just someone's mom and all she is is a mother, and the next thing I knew I was waking up washed somewhere on the shore, and I knew we had ended up in this huge torrent of rapids like I had seen at the base of this one dam's water outlet I had seen when I was on spring break in Iowa and our bodies had gotten twisted around in the water and pounded against the bottom and we had both lost consciousness before being flung up and flaoted downriver, and the next thing I know I look at my cell phone and there were five text messages on it, all from my one friend whose mom it was, the first being about how they had just found her mom's body and then next how the body was cold and her mom must have lived but died overnight from the cold since she wasn't found for so long, and a couple I can't remember, and then another one on how not to worry, she didn't blame me for anything, but in my heart I felt awful for letting me and her mom both keep wading when the water was getting deeper and I should have guessed that the river wasn't safe coming up.

1 comment:

JUSIPER said...

That is one weird dream.