Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reading a book that scared the fuck out of me.

So, last night I was reading before bed a 17th c. English translation of an earlier Italian treatise on witchcraft and exorcisms, with a minor excursus on demonology. After a little theorizing and examples adduced from the church fathers, modern (or 'then-modern', as in back in the 15th and 16th cc.) examples are given, and this one scared the fuck out of me --

A Mexican woman would go to bed and as she was drifting off to sleep feel her baby being taken from her side and replaced with something of equal size that made her uneasy, and in the morning as she woke up her baby would be brought back, but she never saw what did it, and her baby grew sicker and sicker and thinner and thinner till the local priest took him to church and put him in holy water.

For some reason, that scared the fuck out of me last night, though now it doesn't seem so bad. Maybe I was tired?

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