Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Books / Blacks / Styles / Marriage.

Today my mom was telling me how this one coworker of my mom's at the library where she works at is a techie, and how often a local priest comes in to consult him on techie stuff and they end up sitting at his desk and talking about that, so my mom's been planting books people have donated on his desk in case the priest comes by, weird shit like "How to Hit on Your Boss" and "How Not to Be an Asshole". She's been putting them in a drawer the priest is likely to open, so maybe he'll open them and see them right on top.

Today I was looking at the supermarket at an advertising poster for "High School Musical 2":

It definitely always seem like light-skinned blacks are the marketable ones, it seems.

Today I was at a local coffee shop and a gaggle of kids were there since school was out. You could see the style lag from urban to rural areas, especially with the guys; one even had a faux-hawk.

Today I called up a friend from home who's now living downstate to find out how to spell her little niece's name since I'm going to her Christmas Pageant tonight and I was making her a card, and my friend was like, "Oh, by the way, I don't know if you heard this, but I got married."

"Fuck," I was like, "When?"

"[My name]," she was like, "You're supposed to say 'Congratulations.'"

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