Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Two recent happenings:

1) One night late at night I go to adjust the boxfan in my cottage window that looks out onto the back alley since the summer rain is picking up and starting to blow in, and as I glance out and down, there's bits of glistening moving among the oddly rich patch of dirt that sits directly below the window, and although at first I think it's a cicada hatch, I pause and look closer, and it's not, it's earthworms, just many of them, like every few inches right there underneath my window.

2) One lazy afternoon in my cottage before work, I'm glancing through a dictionary entry of the more-modern stage of the one ancient language that I've been studying intensively for the past several years, and sitting right there towards the top of the main entry of a major and well-known word is a really funky variant that directly ties into another major and well-known word from the more-ancient stage, and it's just this big simple connection that no-one ever talks about, and that clearly shows this really interesting etymological derivation that also ties into a larger and radically-underdiscussed verb form.

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