Monday, May 27, 2024

Tourism with my parents (2 of 3): Lincoln tomb.

At the Lincoln tomb, my mother wondered aloud what Lincoln would think of that kind of memorialization of himself.

At the Lincoln tomb, my father shook his head about a (late middle age) (white) couple walking up the path to the tomb with a (sleek) (black) (pit bull) on a leash ("How stupid is that, to take a dog there"), as well as how a Dollar General sign was huge and right behind the main sign of the cemetery on your way in.

At the Lincoln tomb, I was struck by this sign about his family members:

Mary Lincoln and three of the four Lincoln sons are entombed in crypts bearing their names, located in the wall behind you. Robert Lincoln, by decision of his wife, is buried at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia.

To me, Robert's wife sounds a lot like Meghan Markle.

. . .

(My mother agreed with me, as did my one [half British] [half Sudanese] friend [the sister of the brother-sister pair], who I texted to about it.)

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