Thursday, May 30, 2024

A tale of a combative evangelical.

My one friend from (Texas) who works in the entertainment industry was telling me the other day about this one combative evangelical he knew from back in the day.

As he told it, the guy would especially seek out Christian Science Reading Rooms, and he would go in and ask to speak with Mary Baker Eddy.

"Hi," he'd be like, "Is Mary Baker Eddy here?".

"No," they'd be like.

"Is Mary Baker Eddy here?", he'd be like, "I'd like to see Mary Baker Eddy."

"No," they'd be like, "Mary Baker Eddy isn't here."

"Are you sure?", he'd be like, "I'd like to see Mary Baker Eddy."

"Sir," they'd be like, "Mary Baker Eddy is dead."

"Damn right she's dead", he'd then be like, "And don't you forget it."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ese seƱor no es muy amigable.