Thursday, May 16, 2024

A question about my personality

Like a month ago when I was reading a scholarly book late at night at a bar in the one (college) town that I now live in, the (aging) (town) eccentric with the (Japanese) (stewardess) girlfriend saw me and we started talking, and then after a bit he was like, "Can I ask you a personal question?".

"Sure," I was like.

"So, is all the ancient stuff you study a way of avoiding real life now?", he was like.

"Not really," I was like, and I said it was more like a puzzle that I'm solving than a lost civilization that I admire and get lost in.

"I don't even really like the culture all that much," I explained to him. "I mean, there's interesting things you come across and that are fun, just like with any culture, but it's way too hierarchical for me personally, I'm too much of a lesbian feminist at heart."

"I see," he was like, very seriously.

And, to tell the truth, I wasn't not serious, either.

Then, we started talking about something else.

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