Thursday, April 25, 2024

On health and beauty:

1) Since I had COVID last fall, it's only been the past month that I can do two intensive twelve-minute home workouts on adjacent days, consistently, and it's only been like the past couple of weeks that I've started up a short weekly jog again, like I had started doing towards the end of last summer until I came down with it.

2) Besides my occasional zinc supplement like I've been taking for years, I've started fish oil and calcium multiple times a week, as precautions, and every other day I now do a major skincare thing, like alternating exfoliant or retinol, alternating, in addition to careful facewashing and lotion, daily, plus sunscreen if I'll be out in the sun some, though probably not as much as I should be doing.

3) I special-ordered a 25-pound bag of organic short-grain brown rice from the local hippie co-op, to start using sometimes instead of the standard white rice that I've always eaten at home, to draw down the amount of overall white rice that I'm eating and the effect that that's having on my whatever-the-f*ck-have-you-they-are levels, which I guess are less than ideal.

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