Monday, April 1, 2024

My mother and her smartphone (1 of 2): Emojis.

So, my mother was visiting a historic cemetery where there had been buried all these small children and families killed in a historic local disaster, and when she was driving away, she realized that she didn't have her smartphone.

So, she went back to the cemetery and found it, and when she picked it up, there on the phone were two emojis -- one of a tombstone, and the other of a crying smiley face.

"And I don't use those, I don't even know if those are real symbols," she was like.

"So where did they appear?," I was like, "In a texting box? All big across the phone's screen?'

And, she really couldn't tell me, she said she'd have to show me on the phone.

But, she didn't.

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