Sunday, October 29, 2023

Some mild gossip related to my smoothing things over:

At the one (Thai) restaurant where I work now, my one (chubby) (Thai) coworker said that my one (older) (Thai) coworker who’s a whiz at the phones really liked this local bakery giftcard that I had gotten her, to smooth things over when twice in the same week I accidentally messed up my working two shifts and inadvertently stuck her with a lot more work, and at a time when the owners were out of town on vacation and she was already taking on a lot more work from that.

“How did he know that I like that bakery?”, she said that she had said, and so I told her that I had guessed that since once I had taken the bus to a dentist’s appointment and I had seen her outside on the street there outside of that particular bakery, and so between that and her love of baked goods, I had put two and two together and had thought that she might like it that bakery and use a giftcard from it.

Later, I asked her about that bakery, and she said that yes, she likes it and that she does go there sometimes, and once they had these cookies or pancakes or something, that they combined to make look like Minnie Mouse.

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