Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Two recent dreams:

1) I have recently bought two watermelons and I have one in the fridge I'm eating and another one sitting out on top of my fridge ready to replace that one whenever I'm done with it, and then I come across one watermelon sitting out by the wall on my white-tiled dining room floor and I realize that  I had forgotten that I had boughten that one earlier, and at some point too (although not sequentially) I also find another watermelon sitting out somewhere that I had also boughten earlier, only this one is far gone and rotting.

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(I had this dream the night of a day where I bought two watermelons, and had started eating one and had put it in the fridge, and had the other one sitting out.)

. . .

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2) I'm in line at an airport checkout counter chit-chatting with my one (Mormon) colleague as we're waiting to go to or leave from a conference or something, and as we are at the desk after she checks me in the counterperson asks us for what we'll read on the flight and she takes his book and scans the cover and assesses him a $5 fee, and I realize that I never told her about my book I'd be reading on the flight, but when I tell her that she says she can't adjust now and I realize it's her mess-up for not asking me earlier but she's acting like I did it and all I can do is wonder if I will get in trouble on the flight with having a book to read and not having paid their fee, if they go around and check covers of people reading to see who paid.

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(I had this dream in a week where I've been corresponding a lot with my one [Mormon] colleague, since we're doing summer scholarly reading like we've been tending to do the past few summers.)

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