Monday, July 17, 2023

On the one (indigenous) (Guatemalan) language...

...that I hear spoken by some of my coworkers at the (Thai) restaurant where I work now:

1) This one (new) (young) guy speaks (Spanish) very musically, like he says "Hola" and "Como estas" and he's hitting certain consistent notes with those phrases when he says them, and basically I realize that (Spanish) must be a second language for him and the (tonal) (indigenous) language the first, and I ask him, and yeah, that's the case.

2) The one cook who I began the "diablo" joke with says that a friend of his translates the indigenous language at doctors offices and the local courts.

3) When I ask the one (young) (female) (Guatemalan) coworker how you say "excuse me," she tells me something, and then the "diablo" cook guy laughs and corrects her and says something like how what she told me actually means "Get away!" or something like that, and I realize that her acquisition must be shaky from home or whatever and she's not entirely proficient in it.

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