Sunday, April 9, 2023

Sausage present.

After my recent mini-vacation to my homestate, I brought back a bunch of garlicky cured pork sausages that don't need refrigeration, and left them out on the restaurant counter and told everyone that they were there as snacks for whoever wanted it, just to make sure that everyone gets to try some before you go and eat a lot.

And, reviews were mixed but largely positive. The restaurant owners said that they don't like sausages too much but that they were better than the (Thai) sausage on the menu, while my one (Chinese-American) (college student) coworker liked them a lot and had like three, and almost all of the (Guatemalans) loved them.

"Two hundred percent good," said one guy, I can't remember who.

"Ten out of ten," said the one guy who sometimes waits tables and sometimes works in the kitchen.

As for me, I had some on an empty stomach, and then I kept burping all shift.

And, since I was wearing a KN95 mask, that meant I had like garlicky pork sausage burp trapped in my mask all night, and I had to keep breathing in that same air over and over.

It was disgusting.

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