Thursday, November 24, 2022

An upstairs neighbor.

The one (young) (Latina) fronthouse upstairs neighbor who has a hippie vibe also has a first name that's the name of a type of bird, so like over a month ago when I was reading out on the front porch and she came in after work and was walking by and said hi, I was like, "Want to hear my joke?", and she was like, "Sure," and then I was like, "I'm surprised to see you here," and when after a long pause she was like "Why?", I put on a sweet but hammy mug and was like, "Because fall is here, and I thought you would have flown away south."

And then, she was like, "Oooooooooh!!", with a tone like she found what I had just said to be cute, and then she was like, "I wish I could!"

Another time, she was asking me what I was studying, so I was telling her, and at what point I referenced the Babylonian exile of Israel.

"What's that?", she was like, and I explained some, and she still had a blank look on her face, and it turned out that she had absolutely never heard about it before.

"My parents tried to raise me without exposure to religion," she was like, not apologizing, but not unapologetically, either; she was just being factual.

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