Thursday, April 14, 2022

You know what's a good diet food?

Sugar free jello. I was eating like crap during my healthcare licensing class, and between that and getting less exercise since I'm no longer working at the resthome and running around everywhere all day, I put on like 3-4 pounds, not anything major, but to the point where I could feel it a little bit around my middle. So, like I've done on and off anyhow since I like it, I started making sugar free jello, only now I make sure to always make up a bowl and have it sitting in the fridge whenever I finish the last bowl off. That stuff is like practically water and fills you up and must displace some decent amount of calories, because like between that and a little bit more exercise that I've made myself be getting, it only took me like 3 weeks to shed that extra weight that I had gotten all of a sudden.

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