Thursday, April 21, 2022

Remnants of a dream...

...that I should have blogged about sooner, since I'm pretty sure that I'm already forgetting some vivid details: I'm walking across a college campus around 7 or 8am before people are out, and as I turn a corner, there's two (lanky) (slouchy) (white) guys who are walking and who seem to change their direction to come towards me, and so I go into self defense mode and authoritatively and loudly tell them to stop and to not come any closer, but they demur and then they do, and then the next thing that I know, somehow I have a large book from out of my backpack, and with it I'm able to stop the course of a knife coming towards me, like to the point where the knife actually plunges a little bit into the book, and then somehow I'm in a large high-ceilinged vestibule with many high windows and there's folding tables out like for a college orientation event, and I'm talking with some (college-age) girl and then standing around off to the side waiting for police to arrive, so that I can make my report. And then, I wake up. . . .

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