Thursday, April 28, 2022

"I love a bargain."

In early May, my new, very local bank in the college town that I now live in gives away a ton of tomato plants to everyone with an account, 2 per person all day until they run out. It's right by where I live, so I'm highly thinking of going there and getting some and maybe trying to plant them and have tomatoes this year. My one neighbor upfront said I'd need big pots and soil and stakes and maybe even nets to keep the squirrels from digging them up, though, so I'm wondering now if it would even be worth the trouble. I was imagining some raised bed where I could just fire them in and maybe having to stake them at some point. After my one neighbor upfront told me all of this when I caught them outside in the yard, I got very downcast and offered them the 2 seedlings, but they were like, "Thank you, but they wouldn't be the varietals that I'm interested in."

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