Thursday, March 3, 2022

Language app levity (?).

The other week, I was texting my one professor friend who studies (modern) (Czech) literature about hate crimes and microaggressions, as I often do, and she was livid, as she often is. Then, I was studying my new language for potential EU citizenship on my one language app, and as one of their nonsense phrases to get you to learn vocabulary, they had the sentence, "The shape of their eyelids is the same as ours," in the language that I've been studying. So, I screenshotted it and texted it to her, and she was like - Um, how often do [people of that nationality] say that? Is it a common way of greeting people? - to which I replied - It's actually a self-effacing proverb; after you do something stupid, you compare yourself to Mongoloids and gypsies. - to which she responnded - Jesus christ - to which I replied that I was kidding. I got her for a moment!

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