Sunday, January 16, 2022

Surprising parental behavior.

So, it turns out that when my mom sent me a few small boxes of N95s that she had lying around the house, she kept none for herself, and later when she ordered me some online, she didn't order any for herself either, even though she didn't have any at home! I was very surprised when I heard that, since I had just assumed that she had some, and that's what she was using when she went grocery shopping or what my dad was using when he would stop through the local store in the morning for the paper. But, they weren't. So, I explained how upset I was, and I said that she should order some right away, and that's what they should be using when they go out now, since they're much more of a higher risk for bad Covid outcome than I am. She ended up doing that right after I got off the phone. I also explained that from what I've read about N95s, you can re-use them 2 or 3 times without degradation if you're using them for short periods and keep them nice, so I had done that, where I put one on for a few short errands, and then reused it the next day when I had a few short errands. I also said that I was putting a cloth mask over the top, since that pressed down and made a better fit around the nose, and they should be doing that too.

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