Sunday, November 7, 2021

Crying (2 of 2): An errand in the city.

A few days ago I gathered up all of the electronics and whatnot that I had been setting aside for years to go take away to electronics recycling - a few dead laptops and a few dead phones and a lot of cords and some dead batteries and whatnot, all of which feels so good to go and get out of my house - and then the next day before work I got up really early and I went to go drop them off at this one computer repair store in a yuppie neighborhood on my way to work that I've patronized before and that does all that as a favor for people.

But, after I had hopped off at this one subway stop and was walking up to the computer store, suddenly there were all of these people on the sidewalk, and I look again, and it's all of these parents and all of these very young children, white and blonde and in sort of expensive early winter gear just standing out in huge clusters along the edge of this one glass facade built into a building, and I see a clinic sign there, and I suddenly realize that they're all waiting in line to get the vaccine that's now available for the children, now.

And, I remember that we're still in the pandemic that I've been trying to be surviving, and it's like I let my guard down, and I could suddenly maybe feel that maybe this could be more over soon, and I just started crying some, but just a little, since I was forced to stop and look at everything that we've been experiencing, which you usually just don't do since you're in the middle of it, and we have been for months and months and months, for well over a year and a half now.

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