Wednesday, October 13, 2021

File-cleaning surprise.

One of my big projects since summer has been to slim down my files, chucking some stuff that I don't need anymore, rearranging some old stuff in ways that make more sense, and adding in some new stuff, and I finally got it done after working on-and-off on it for like two-and-a-half months.

One surprise that I came across was a sheet of notes that I took on 3 art objects on display at the city's major art museum, that I wrote up and led a tour on for some high school art teachers, back when I adjuncted at the art school and I signed up to do that, as part of a thing where I shared thoughts on integrating art objects into teaching on my area of academic specialty.

I can't remember exactly what the objects were, but it seems that I made a lot of points about creating space for bringing self-criticism into personal awareness and bringing social structures that need changing to the fore, and somehow I remember throwing in humor, too; in particular, I remember at lunchtime, this one art teacher was like, "I'm sitting next to you," as they brought their lunch over to join me.

That really was something that I'd entirely forgotten, and it was a very nice affirmation of that period of my life when I taught and it seemed like I potentially had a path there, at least at that time.

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