Saturday, October 30, 2021

A dream of something off, but not badly off.

Last month I dreamnt:

I’m in my apartment and reaching into the upper right corner of my refrigerator to grab one of the 2-3 cartons of eggs that I usually have there from doing so much shopping ahead of time nowadays, what with the pandemic and all, and I pull one out, and when I set it on the counter and open it up, there’s just one giant brown egg sitting right in the middle of the container, actually so big that the carton top wouldn’t fit over it, and the bottom is kind of crushed and flared out from its weight, though that’s just normal to me, and nothing I remark on at the time. But, the egg itself strikes me as weird and unaccustomed, and then all of a sudden I remember that the last egg that I got out from a carton in the fridge was like that, too.

And then, I wake up.

. . .

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