Friday, September 3, 2021

Four resthome happenings:

1) The other week at the resthome they made these lentil fritters for dinner, which were a little dry, but really good when you dipped them in the chicken gravy that had been made up for the other entree.

2) The one resthome resident with a lot of family pointed out to me that on her little section of hallway, there's been 3 deaths over the past couple of months, and now hers is the only occupied room left there, which I told her that I hadn't noticed, but since deaths always come in threes, she could rest assured that she was safe.

3) After the one resthome resident who's a retired psychotherapist interested in killing wanted to read a draft of one of my articles that has a lot of edgy material in it and I warned her about that but she wanted to read it anyways, she liked it, gave me some good editing advice, and suggested that when it's published, that they include it in the weekly discussion group readings. Which, I said I really couldn't do, because the edgy material like was in it made me uncomfortable to share it broadly. Later I told that to the one (Mexican-American) activities guy, too, and he was like, "Oh, you would be surprised, some of the articles they read are about blowjobs."

4) Last month when I was on this one floor, I saw the one resident who always gives me candy from her candy dish standing in the crack of her door which she had open, looking down the hallways, which I'd never seen her do before, so I stopped by to say hello and to check that everything was okay and if she needed assistance. It turns out that her nephew was visiting from out of town, and she was waiting for him to show up.

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