Sunday, May 2, 2021

Bike vandalization.

Like a month or so ago when I got home from a Sunday shift working at my one assisted living client's with disabilities, I walked out of the subway stop and went to go hop on my bike and bike the short distance back to my house, but my helmet that I had locked up onto my bike had been vandalized, where someone had worked off the latch clip and just taken it, so I didn't have the part that latches my helmet and so my helmet was useless and I had to bike back to my house with my head uncovered and unprotected.

And, the next morning, I noticed that the caps on my tires had also been screwed off and taken.

"What a turd," the guy at the bike shop was like, when I popped in there to see if they carried helmet clips.

He also wondered it had been some drunko from a nearby bar, which is what I had been wondering, too.

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