Monday, March 22, 2021

Random chit-chat of one newer resthome resident.

There's this one newer resthome resident who's in her 100s and talks about the most random things, but I rarely ever assist her, though in the last month I not only got to, I was actually assigned to her to help her for the entire shift.

She always talks a little loud and a bit slow, and you never really know where the conversation is going.

On the day when I worked with her, when I popped in to check on her after lunch, she talked about how there was pasta for lunch and pasta in the soup for dinner, so it was just pasta all the time.

"I had three sons and I always fed them meat," she was like. "Big, strong boys. I bought a quarter of a cow."

Later, she was talking about her youngest son 'David' and she was like, "He was a king, but he was also a sinner. He killed a woman's husband, but he was still king."

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