Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Another resthome treat.

This one resident at the resthome who is always going off on little tangents asked me the other week if I liked her candy bowl, and I said I did, but I missed the Jolly Ranchers that she used to have there.

"But they always get sticky in that bowl," she was like. "It's so odd!"

"They do," I was like, agreably.

Then, like a shift or two later, I got a call to go up to her room, and it turns out that she had bought a bag of Jolly Ranchers for me with her shopping that she had ordered.

"Take them with you!", she was like.

"But I like having them here!", I was like, "So  I can get one every time I come up here."

"Okay," she was like, and then she suggested that I keep them in her refrigerator, so I went and put them on the top shelf of her refrigerator door.

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