Saturday, March 20, 2021

An observation about (Nigerian) vs. (American) culture.

Last month when I worked nightshift, the ongoing downfall of a local politician came up in conversation between me and my one (big built) (Nigerian) coworker who typically works nightshift.

"I wonder if he will commit suicide," she was like.

Then, she was like, "Probably no, if he is guilty, he will go to jail and come back," and then she said that in Nigeria, people fear jail, but not here, people go to jail all the time and come back all the time like it's normal, but in Nigeria, people do not want to go to jail.

"Are jails bad, or do you mean shame, like there's no shame to it?", I was like.

"Eh-heeeeeeeh," she was like, doing that (West African) affirmation sound that you hear sometimes. "Yes, exactly, there's no shame."

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